How To Become Popular On Instagram: Here Are 8 Tips


If you are reading this article, it is because you understood the potential of Instagram to make your business known and now you would like to know the secret recipe to become popular on Instagram.

I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but there are no tricks for Instagram. At most you can find behaviors, which in my opinion are unethical, such as the use of bots, pods and follow / unfollow practices (which I will tell you about later). These practices will certainly increase the famous number of followers even with a certain speed, but you will have little chance of finding people really interested in you and your services or products. To become popular on Instagram it takes continuous effort, right strategies for your brand and time investment.

Today I want to talk to you about some methods that you can use to understand how to depopulate on Instagram in an organic and real way. They are small attentions that will take you some time to be realized, but will allow you to have results both in the short and long term.

What I want to specify is that these tips on how to be followed on Instagram are based on the quality of your work and the contents of your social profile.

1 Open up to the world

Create a public profile. If you want to know how to be followed on Instagram, this is the first trick. By creating a public profile you allow everyone to understand who you are, what you do and why you have chosen to be on Instagram. In this way the people who are really interested in you will follow you and not those who just want to browse.

2 Quality

Now it has been said and repeated in all ways. Quality and valuable content is of fundamental importance in online communication. Instagram, the photographic social media par excellence, is certainly not far behind. Obviously we are not all photographers, but we can still create beautiful, interesting and tasteful photographic content. If ideas are scarce or you don't have time to create all the photographic content for your education, you can find inspiration among the free photography sites that I suggest here . Do not forget, however, that in addition to a beautiful photograph, the text that accompanies it is also very important.

3 Constancy

The frequency with which you publish doesn't really matter. You can post every day (which I highly recommend, especially if you have interesting topics to talk about) or on alternate days. The important thing is that you are present constantly. With all the noise present on social media, if you disappear for weeks or even months, risks that few will remember you when you come back.

4 Put your face on it

I know, it's easy to say a little less to do. But social networks are used to socialize and instagram is an excellent work tool for showing and knowing who is behind a brand or a brand. Show that you are there, your human side and, why not, your imperfections too. You can gradually show yourself with some photos in the feed and practice slowly to become familiar with the dreaded stories.

5 Optimize your profile

choose your profile image carefully. You can use your brand, if it is a professional logo, or a photo of yours as long as it is beautiful and consistent. Remember, it's the first thing about you that people see. Pay attention to the biography too: use it to say who you are and what you do.

6 Stand out

Always ask yourself "why should my ideal client follow me? What can I offer him that he can only find on my profile? ". Give people a reason to follow you.

7 Consistency

If you have decided to use social media to talk about your job, your services or your products, you have to do exactly that. If you use it to present your handmade wedding dresses do not include gardening tips: they have nothing to do with it. You risk confusing your readers and decreasing your popularity on Instagram, instead of increasing it.

8 Distribute hearts

It is true that hashtags on Instagram, if well used, still bring a lot of visibility, but interaction is still important. Leave hearts and comments to other photos that you really like and participate in topics that really interest you.

Have these tips on how to become popular on Instagram been useful to you? You can find more by clicking here.

To have a professional Instagram profile you will need a great investment of time to create content, interact and structure a strategy suitable for your brand and your ideal customer. If you want to be supported on this path I can help you with my Instagram management services designed for all needs. To become popular on Instagram with your interested audience it will take time and patience: don't get down! Continue to work with constancy and concentration and you will achieve your goals.

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