Saving gold - new trend or extra for attentive savers?


Trends and new products appear regularly on the financial market. On closer inspection, however, it is partially shown that not everything that is supposed to be innovative actually deserves the "new" seal of quality. Which, in turn, is by no means bad and must be an argument against the products, as the example of the gold savings plan emphatically shows. To put it broadly, it is not a young financial instrument. The detailed analysis, on the other hand, shows that there is a decisive difference to classic investment models related to the precious metal gold price.

In the past, "gold savers" first had to raise the necessary capital to buy larger quantities of gold and to be able to participate in good price developments through prompt (mostly tax-free) sales.

Gold savings plan - in small stages to precious metal assets

However, most investors could not afford these larger, typically four-figure deposits, since they could logically use only a relatively small part of their savings to speculate on the gold price as normal earners. However, modern gold saving through a gold savings plan works differently in this context. Even if not every offer for saving gold can generate interest because the majority of guaranteed returns are not planned: Those who only want to afford to build up their assets step by step with gold will appreciate gold savings plans as an alternative or even the only practical approach.

Good results in comparisons and tests for saving gold

Gold-saving tests demonstrate the low minimum stake that offers from this sector can in many cases already be "saved". It only takes 50 Euros a month or sometimes even less to open a gold savings plan and gradually let the provider make purchases. The transactions - each purchase and sale - are carried out at the current daily rate. Reputable providers provide precise information about which sales charges are charged for the implementation and what costs arise from storing the gradually increasing assets in gold. Most investors do not want to worry about the safe storage of their reserves on their own from a certain size.

Read Also: Saving gold: only profitable when the gold price rally comes?

A possible explanation for the "new" gold saving trend can also be seen in the fact that there is usually nothing to be said against suspending or adjusting the agreed savings amounts. Good operators of gold savings plans do not even provide extra fees for these services, which saves savers in a particularly comfortable, flexible position.

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